For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. “Eat and drink!” he says to you, But his heart is not with you. Proverbs 23:7
Principles are the laws of life. Principle forms the constitution, which construct the life of men. Also understand that principle controls the affairs of this world.
This world cannot exist without world-principles. No man can exist without the established principles. No destiny fulfillment without principles on ground. Every day of your life, you live by principles.
In our preceding scripture, we understood that every man has the ability to establish the principles that should govern their lives. The principle of your thought is what determines the outcome of your life. You have the power to carve out the kind of principles that should govern your daily living. By this, we understand that your principles for living determine your lifestyles, and your lifestyles determine how you end in life.
Principles are also reckoned to an order, which determines your direction in life. This means, where there is no order, things can never be in order! The steps of a great man are the pathways to greatness, and the pathways to greatness, are controlled by the principles of life. To live right, you must live with the right laws.
Beloved, there are major three (3) dangerous principles, which are laws that control the affairs of every human being that lives on the surface of the earth; and everyone falls into any of these laws. And I shall explore each of the laws or principles in the subsequent episodes. Many human beings are ignorant of these principles; and so, they live ignorantly for life.
But, I like you to understand that, there is the law of gravity – whatever is thrown up must come down. This means, whatever object that is lifted up does not need prayers to be brought down. There are things we do, which naturally brings the results back to us without praying. There is the law of sowing and reaping; this means, the harvest of whatever you sow will certainly return back to you; whether you pray for it or not.
So, there is no single thing we do in this life that is not powered by principles. God lives by principles. Satan lives by principles. You and I live by principles. But it will be good for each of us to understand the kind of principles we live by; and by understanding it, we can predict our future outcome. Because a man`s principles propel his future; and the future of a man cannot be different from the type of principles he lives by.
I leave you with this question; do you know the kinds of principles that control your life presently? Well, you will know it better in the next episode!
Father, thank you for opening my spiritual eyes to something beneficiary to my spirit man today; I therefore, receive divine grace to live a life that is governed by divine laws of God from henceforth. Amen!
No destiny fulfillment without principles on ground. Every day of your life, you live by principle.
Lord Jesus, thank you for loving me and dying for my sins; you resurrected for my victory over sin and death. I therefore, ask that you come into my heart, Lord Jesus to be the Lord of my life. Restore me back as a backslider to my stand for you in faith, so I won`t miss out my place in eternity in heaven, Lord. Amen! I confess that I am born again, and I am righteous in Christ Jesus. Glory to God, Amen!
Don`t forget; no one can be hopeless with God! God bless you, and shalom.
Favour Egbeiyon a.k.a Anointed Favour, is the president and Senior Pastor at Dynamo Lightgate Int`l Ministry, Abuja Nigeria. It is a ministry that is focus on Raising Dead Hopes by the force of Love and sparking global revival. Anointed Favour is a broadcaster on Radio and Television Stations, as his ministry is also Radio and Television based Ministry.
He is a writer, author, public speaker, Radio Presenter etc.