Courtship is a time to DISCOVER

Courtship is a time to DISCOVER

Courtship is a time to DISCOVER the NATURE of the Person you are about to get married to, not a time to discover their NAKEDNESS

Courtship is a time to PRESS into the presence of God in PRAYERS with your spouse-to-be and settle your future together, not a time to Press Breast and other things.

Courtship is a time to discern how long a Person is PREPARED to LAST IN MARRIAGE with you and make necessary corrections, not how long they will LAST IN BED.

(He/she may last 3 hours in bed and your marriage to them will last only 3 days.)

Courtship is a time to sit down with your spouse-to-be and PLAN for your MARRIAGE, not a time to plan for WEDDING.

WEDDING is for a DAY


Prepare Well

Pray Well

Plan Well

Marry Well



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